Friday, April 07, 2006

Liza Minelli-bottom

This chick puts the kook in kook let me tell you. After watching this clip of clips from her recent appearance on Larry King, it makes you wonder if this is for real, or if its just a Saturday Night Live spoof. Apparently she's a big gay icon...but I don't get it, somebody please explain!?!?

since I'm on the gay icon's a two for one:Celine Dion doing Madonna

and these two are Madonna before she became a huge mega gay icon biatch, and Madonna, actually being a big mega gay icon biatch
OK OK...I know you all love this stuff, here's one more gay icon chick...
this 10 seconds of air time got Kathy Griffin RIPPED to pieces by the HOLLYWOOD a-list mafioso...Most notably, uhmmm...whats his name, the guy who directed ET...ya you know him, and it's now official, Kathy G will NOT star in the sequel as ET's mom...she may not get over that, but she'll always have stand-up...

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