Monday, April 17, 2006

imitation european weiners

It has been said that 'imitation is the greatest form of flattery'. And on that note, we have a couple cute guys who have a passion for the crazy and maniacal. The result: a series of videos in the 'Jackass' style.
Here are a few of the videos of them doing various random shit, mostly inflicting pain upon themselves or eachother, and shirtless of course

Alamass Hunt 3 Task 1 Chaussure

Nuit du Doc : 6 Les Tapettes à Mouches

Nuit du Doc : 11 La Traction Terrestre
Video sent by alamass


Anonymous said...

First : Where did you see we say 'imitation is ..." ? Second : Yeah stunts must be filmed shirtless Third : No we aren't gay Fourth : Who are you for judging what we do in our life ?

blogalicious said...

hello s@tan! Reading that over I guess I wasn't clear...When I said, 'They say imitation...' I meant 'they' as in the people that made up that saying, if that makes any sense.
Also, I'm not implying you are or aren't a specific sexuality in this post.
I didn't actually think I was judging you. I'm neither condemning nor condoning and absolutely NOT judging...(trust me I get 'judged' on a daily basis, so that's the last thing I would want to do)I'm purely stating the fact that you are indulging in crazy shit in your 'spare time'... and I CERTAINLY didn't mean to offend any of you...I really enjoy your vids otherwise I wouldn't have posted continue if you will and thanks!!