Thursday, April 27, 2006

dance revolution

Blake McGrath, thought he could dance, he was right...just one question, why allow someone who's already a professional on to a show that helps you become a professional dancer?...
whatever, he was eye candy.
Here he is

this one's a little weird, but I love it...some may say its creepy...some may say its hot...I say it looks like a leprechaun who's lost his lucky charms

amazing body. This guy definitely works out

more guys. more flexing. more amazing just never ends

this guy works out a ton. and apparently he also works out naked.

this guy looks shy and cute and least he's naked

Have any of you seen the film 'Ken Park' by Larry Clark?gay Larry Clark film sex nude
Is his version of modern youth accurate, you think? Or is this purely teen sexploitation at its finest?
"I wanted to present the way kids see things, but
without all this baggage...You know...they're living in the moment not thinking
about anything beyond that and that's what I wanted to catch. And I wanted the
viewer to feel like you're there with them -- you can be there fucking, smoking
dope, having sex..."

If not, these clips may entice you to do so. The first clip from the movie involves three of the main characters in a threesome, and the second clip is of James Ransome as he masturbates


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