Wednesday, May 03, 2006

the golden bond:age

James Bond has entered a new age y'all! I'm just sayin' in case you hadn't heard. I have to admit I was very sceptical at first, like a lot of peeps I'm sure, and I'm not actually a fan of the 50 or 60 year old series. But after seeing this movie trailer for Casino Royale...I'm seriously considering seeing this...I'm not an action film fan...I can't stand when you see something on screen that looks infinitely preposterous, or the acting sucks, or something is contrived to further the plot...or whatever! You know, all those things that make up a shitty movie, like most of what America and Hollywood put out, usually between the months of April and August. Anyways, actor Daniel Craig, of whom I know very little, nor do I want to, but seeing him in this trailer, walking out of the water ala Halle Berry in her Bond role, well holy crap, he actually looks really hot...and I'm going to stop typing because I'm not sure if any of you are still reading check out the trailer

thought I posted this before, but maybe not

If I haven't made it known heretofore, I would like to make it known now: I LOVE Elijah Wood. Well not really. But insofar as I think he's absolutely adorable. So anything with Elijah Wood in it I'm pretty much gonna watch. Mostly anything...I'm not THAT freakishly stalkerish. And thanks to gossip maven JustJared, I found this clip of Elijah getting Punk'd...and he looks as hot as ever. Actually he looks hotter than ever

and this photo of Elijah with shorn locks?...OMG he's even fucking HOTTER!!!

holy shit!

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